A collaborative creative writing app where stories are built line by line.

Contribute to multiplayer stories, seeing only what the previous author wrote. Modeled on the game exquisite corpse, each creation is gloriously unique!
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Stories in need of a line

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But she did have one steady, devoted clientele—pregnant women with bizarre food cravings. They flocked to her dinners like monarch butterflies to milkweed. "Isn't this a cliche?" her husband said, "I mean, you weren't like this when you were pregnant." She held him and whispered,
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Rhymetime, get in line. We’re going to keep rhyming until a quarter of nine. It’s fine if you doubt these lines, but all you haters will turn to slime.
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The “curse of endlessworkdays didn’t seem that bad at first. Compared to other curses, it seemed mild. It was after the third or fourth week without weekends that the true horror began to set in. She wasn’t physically able to call out sick, or to quit. She was trapped.
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The signal was garbled & hummed with static, but under it all flowed a melodic voice backed by blinking synths. "Is that..." the operator muttered to himself, "...someone singing 'Take On Me' by A-ha?" He sat back in his chair & smirked. "He'll never hit the high note."
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The woman they knew as “granny” smiled and clapped. She was happy so many young people were at her party. They make the perfect vessels to jumpinto. That boy, about 10? That girl, maybe 14? Or should she go for the older teen, close to independence? She readied herself and…
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“Don’t pretend you don’t know”, his reflection said back to him. “How dare you!”, he whispered. His reflection laughed once. “You had no business drivingaferry boat. Your little whim cost lives, sir! Oh right, walk away. You can avoid mirrors but you can’t avoid yourself!”
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Day turns to night turns to day turns to night again and again and once more. I persist, which means I exist. I’m alive, but am I living my best life? I’m not sure what I can do to changethecycle.
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Mother went on for hours about how grandma met grandpa, describing their first kiss in creepy detail & even describing the honeymoon hotel. "But mom," I said, "doesn't this mean I'm a Romanian princess?!" She waved off my question as if it didn't matter: "Princess-schmrincess..."

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What is Byline?

A multiplayer creative writing experience where a group of authors creates a story, one line at a time.

How does it work?

Loosely based on exquisite corpse, each author writes a line having only seen the line directly before theirs. Once complete, the creator titles the story and shares it with the group.

Is this a game?

Yes! Get started by creating a story and sharing it with friends. Don't know any writers? No problem. Post your story to Byline and you'll meet some!

Who does the writing?

Public Stories

If you create a story (by clicking the new story button New Story Icon) and don’t invite other authors, then it posts publicly to Byline and can be contributed to by any author on the platform.

Private Stories

If you invite individual people (by username, email, or phone number) and make sure Plus others on Byline is deselected then your story becomes private and only those invited can contribute.

What's a breadcrumb?

Breadcrumbs give authors an opportunity to select a key word/phrase from their line that they think is important. Breadcrumbs are visible for the life a the story and can act as clues that offer additional context.

They are optional, but fun to add!

What's a sequel?

Sequels are stories spawned from the last line of other stories. To create a sequel go to the bottom of a finished story and select Write More Create sequel based on this story.

What if I see something offensive?

If you see something that doesn't live up to our standards report it by clicking the next to any line.