“I shouldn’t have touched that.” -2024

“Some things are better left alone.”

14 October 2024

  • She kept her 3 favorite things lined up on the shelf above her bed - but as she looked at them now, she realized one was missing.
    8/16 7:22pm
  • The locked plastic case where she usually kept her hourglass was empty. She wondered who could have taken it when she noticed orange fingerprints on the broken lock.
    8/31 2:59am
  • She was surprised by a size of fingerprints… They were small as if they were made by a kid. She picked it up and pull it upside down. When the sand started falling down she could feel ground under her shaking. She gasped as she seen herself falling into a darkness.
    8/31 7:19pm
  • She chastised herself as she fell. The weighted pedestal is the first thing you learn in grave robbing school! She landed with a thumping crunch. Something cushioned her fall, and she was afraid to learn what it was.
    9/19 2:59am
    Inactive HEART icon1
  • She explored the mass beneath with her fingers—furry, yet firm. Swiftly, she rolled over to see the Golden Hourglass in the maw of a giant bat! Without thinking she clutched the treasure while swatting at its wings. Finally, escaping in the dark before the menace could recover.
    10/14 3:50pm

The End