Fly to Die for a Fond MEPhone: Part IVoid

No more FTDFAFMP after this!

22 September 2024

This story is a sequel

I could practically smell the beast. I jingled the handle, once, twice, at last I was able to open the door. I rushed in, closing it behind me. I looked around, sweating, panting, then the lights flipped on to reveal a studio audience. They clapped furiously. I guess I had won.
@ 4/10 3:17am
  • Until, well, the studio audience fell down. So did the host. And the floor, and then it was over. Where was I? A sign was in front of me, that was for sure. “Welcome to the Void. Terrible name, I know, considering you are in a room right now. I’m just the copy editor!”
    9/19/24 12:37am
  • That’s when I felt a sudden need to void my innards. I looked for a trash can or even a dark corner, but I didn’t get that far. With a sudden heave and a mighty horking sound, I puked my lunch on the side of the stage. Wiping my mouth, I softly said “I’m sorry.”
    9/19/24 2:37am
  • My voice echoed off the walls of the theater. It was empty. I peered into the darkness, trying to see if anyone had stayed through the disastrous performance. One lone face smiled back at me—grandma's. She started to clap & I took a bow. As she shuffled to the stage, she said:
    9/19/24 4:35am
  • “Jolly good show, lad!” And then she flopped dead on stage. Thanks, grandma. I turned towards the audience, sweat dripping down my cold body. “A moment of silence, eh? Tough crowd.”
    9/19/24 2:53pm
  • The crowd stared at me with blank expressions. This was not the reaction I expected! Suddenly they started flickering and in a flash they were gone. It was a projection! Then I heard loud cackling behind me.
    9/20/24 6:15pm
  • “Cackling”, as in a chicken, which morphed into a human, which just so happened to n be Derren Brown. You signed up for Trick or Treat a while ago and didn’t expect anything. Since you didn’t expect anything, Any T. Hing shows up in Derren’s place. Guess this was the void.
    9/22/24 4:20am

The End