The Big Draw

23 March 2022

  • “A key fob,” thought Leon. “That’s what I need, a key fob! Of course! How could I have not seen that? I need to write that down.” He reached over to the tablet of legal sized paper on top of the stack of unread books. But when he reached for his pencil,
    2/12/22 2:17am
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  • he discovered that it was gone. Pens were there, but he wanted a pencil. Nothing compares to the sensual touch of graphite on paper. As Leon checked under his desk, he heard some giggling. "Amy," he called to his daughter, "what're you doing? Are you drawing on the wall again?"
    2/16/22 10:03am
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  • Amy exclaimed with a sober touch in her voice, “Yes Pa, I am drawing on the wall!” She started making curved lines with the pencil etching one fourth of the wall with graphite. Leon snatched the pencil from her scolding and directing her to play outdoors.
    2/18/22 6:13am
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  • “Go touch grass!” “This sucks a—“ Leon shoved her out the door. Amy decided that since she can’t draw inside, she’ll draw outside instead! Good thing she has a spare pencil at all times. She got to work covering the walls with her doodles while her father was busy snoring inside.
    2/25/22 4:53am
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  • The house was painted a nice satin white. Her drawings showed up well on its walls. She started on the porch, and by the the the streetlights came on she had drawn on the entire front of the house.
    3/17/22 2:55am
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  • A crowd formed in front of the house, whispering excitedly about her skill and speed. Pizzas were ordered and wine bottles opened. Soon the work was finished and friends were made. The Big Draw, as it came to be known, became an annual event, creating a community like no other.
    3/22/22 4:52pm
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The End