The Challenge of Love

7 April 2023

  • "Any man who wants to court me," said Anežka Szabová, "must 1st brush the teeth of Golgoraz the three-headed, nineteen-eyed, seven-tailed, triple-stomached, poison-breathing dragon of the Great Rozsutec Mountain." Martin Balog grabbed a toothbrush & toothpaste & said, "I'm game."
    5/9/22 9:13am
  • Martin’s best friend Gregor sighed. “Martin, a word? Yes she’s pretty. But this just weird. She wants you to risk your life just to be allowed to ask her on a date? High maintenance, buddy! Steer clear.” Martin frowned.
    5/9/22 12:07pm
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  • Martin steered clear of her like the Titanic steered clear of the iceberg, that is, not enough. And that’s with a red flag. He found himself walking up to that smoking hot blonde Gregor warned him about. “So hey,” he started, “so I wanted to, well…” Way to break the ice, Martin!
    5/9/22 1:31pm
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  • Martin was no Leo the Capricorn, and he most certainly wouldn’t be painting her like one of his French girls. The lady gave him the cold shoulder. Her heart would have gone on, if she had one. This wasn’t any ordinary fail, but a titanic one. Gregor patted Martin on the shoulder.
    5/10/22 11:52am
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  • “There’s other girls” Gregor said as Tiffani Johnson walked into the lunch room.Tiffani made eye contact. Martin wanted to die of embarrassment
    12/4/22 11:44pm
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  • But surprisingly, Tiffani just giggled and popped by Martin. "Wanna eat lunch together?" she asked. Gregor's face turned white as Martin went from feeling embarrassed to feeling pleasantly surprised. "Sure!" Martin and Tiffani left the table to happily go eat together. THE END.
    4/7/23 3:14pm
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The End