fashion facism

Imposing their will from the skies to the dancefloor

9 January 2025

  • I stare out in to the city, knowing this could go terribly wrong. Getting ready to jump off the plane, I have no fear I was taught not to. The light turns red and the pilot gives me a thumbs up to go...
    10/25/24 6:48pm
  • but somehow I freeze, stood on the aircraft's wing - I can't jump despite being convinced by my masters that I cannot physically be damaged or feel pain in any form. Is this a test? Why would they make this the first demonstration of my apparent powers? An intense heat begins to
    11/8/24 9:56pm
  • radiate from the engine below, the air thickens with an unbearable pressure, & yet I remain frozen, my mind racing w/ questions I can’t answer. What are these powers they’ve given me? If I can’t feel pain, why does the heat threaten to overwhelm me? Is this all part of the test?
  • I laugh as my skin absorbs the heat, channeling it into my fingertips. With a snap, I send bolts of heat wherever I point. I destroy 2 walls and a door before I learn how to control this ability.
    12/27/24 11:26pm
  • The entire room starts collapsing as I run from the crumbling building and into the street, zapping heat into the sky. I cackle and give into the glee. I run to the club and start subtlety zapping bad dancers so they just they’re overheating. Thus I became the dancing police.
    1/6 3:14am

The End