
7 March 2022

  • The tunnel seemed to narrow the further down Darrow followed it. The air was thick with a heady stench of urine and blood and progress was slow. Darrow unsheathed his sword. He wiped at his brow with a sodden sleeve and narrowed his eyes. A single shadow stood ahead..
    2/27/22 9:49pm
    Inactive OMG icon1
  • Yep, it was a guard alright, and the guard didn’t seem to see him… yet. This was Darrow’s opportunity to strike, but he wasn’t sure that the timing was right. After all, Cummerbund was running so late, and he’d have hated to start the fun without his dear friend and collaborator.
    2/27/22 10:00pm
  • Too late. A figure somersaulted from the roof and landed on the guard, taking him down. Who else could it be but Bennett Cummerbund? “I have been waiting for thirty minutes!” Darrow exclaimed. Cummerbund raised a finger to his lip.
    2/27/22 11:40pm
  • “YOU are privileged to wait for a master thespian such as myself! Hush, hush and be ashamed of your complaints! Now fetch me a corn dog and an orange Fanta!”
    3/5/22 8:24pm

The End