Word Association

28 February 2022

View in English
  • Once upon a time, there were three smart soldiers, by the name of Benedesk, Bendegoose and Armin. They were called upon by the Ukrainian army to save the day..
    2/23/22 2:38pm
  • asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd
    2/23/22 2:42pm
    Inactive POO icon2
  • ummmm what hairdresser celebrity paleontologist personal trainer knife thrower ogre mayor mayor mayor mayor mayor
    2/24/22 9:12pm
    Inactive LAUGH icon1
  • .” Dr. Hamill continued writing notes. “This word association exercise is designed to find real world signposts to guide you through the healing process. What other feelings have you felt as part of this traumatic experience?”
    2/24/22 10:32pm
    Inactive LAUGH icon1
  • “Fear, anger, hate, suffering…” I went on listing every single feeling that went through me at that fateful moment while Dr. Hamill furiously scribbled on his clipboard. “Interesting.” “Huh?” “I know someone who went through these exact same feelings.”
    2/25/22 5:00am
    Inactive WREATH icon1
  • I looked over at Dr. Hamill & all that I saw was a mirror. "Have I been talking to myself this whole time?" My reflection nodded.
    2/26/22 6:49pm
    Inactive HEART icon1

The End