
15 March 2022

  • “So I suppose you think you’re clever?” “I have my moments” “Jesus, Carl. Can you not for one second accept responsibility?” “For what?” “Are you being serious right now?” He shrugged. Louise scowled. “I can’t believe you right now. She was your best friend. You’re not sorry?”
    2/27/22 3:26pm
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  • “Sorry for what? Do you think I did it on purpose? Or that I simply let it happen? Of course not! I’m just as devastated as you are. Julian, look into my eyes and tell me you think I killed her. Tell me!”
    2/27/22 9:45pm
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  • Julian knew she was tugging on his heartstrings, playing the manipulative game. He knew better than to trust her. He looked straight into her eyes with the fury of a thousand suns, his posture firm as a statue. “You did,” he uttered, “You took her away from me.”
    2/28/22 12:05am
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  • She frowned. "I thought you didn't want the rabbit anymore." True—when they split he said he didn't have time to care for an animal & she took it. Now he missed its fuzzy little face. He missed his ex's fuzzy big face too. "Maybe," he said, "what I should say is 'I'm sorry.'"
    3/12/22 8:32am
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The End