Princess in Distress

19 March 2022

  • The king sat on his golden throne munching on a juicy pork leg. He chugged a goblet of wine when the doors flew open. A messenger had arrived. Taken by surprise, the king choked on his wine. “What are you trying to do, kill me?” “Your Majesty, I have come bearing news! It appears
    2/23/22 2:26am
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  • as though your missing daughter, Princess Avela, has been found!" The king choked again, "Found? Where?" "Alas, sire," moaned the messenger, "she's in the Bog of B'jol!" The king sat back & sighed, rubbing his temples. There was only 1 person who could navigate that infamous Bog.
    2/23/22 9:32am
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  • And he was drunk in the tavern. The disgraced former knight, Aron of Ah’mlet, was the only person who had braved the bog and came out alive. But the king didn’t want him anywhere near his daughter. He was in a bind. “Seek out Aron,” he said reluctantly. “He must rescue Mara.”
    2/23/22 5:07pm
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  • It didn’t take long for word to reach Aron. He sipped another ale. “That twirp thinks I’m getting invoked…I don’t care if she’s torn to pieces and eaten by a forest Scather.” “It’s the Kings daughter,” pleased Bein. “Does this look like a face that gives a s-..”
    2/27/22 3:14pm
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  • S-s-scather?! Do you mean those beasts from the south? I hear they break your spine but keep you alive as they devour your innards. It’s a horrible way to die.
    3/6/22 9:53pm
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  • I didn’t come all this way to be scared away by a few gremlins, and I know something they don’t, I have Scatherynn, the ultimate beast slayer. I believe my spine will be just fine. And with that, I rode off into the fateful dusk, clutching the jeweled handle of my trusty blade.
    3/18/22 7:16pm
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The End