Rewind the slime

23 January 2025

  • From the moment Kaily could walk & speak, her parents tried to spark something in her. They tried everything. Potions & spells to awake any magic inside her. But nothing. She grew up watching her sister use water magic to wash the dishes, seeing her sister, she felt… powerless…
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  • Until one day her sister dropped a wet glass onto the kitchen floor. Just as the glass began to shatter, Kaily shrieked with shock. Then the strangest thing happened: the glass stopped, reassembled itself, and rose back up to her sister’s hand. Then Kaily sneezed.
    11/12/24 11:21pm
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  • A spray of mucus and saliva propelled from her face then similar to the glass paused, hanging impossibly in the air for a moment before reversing back into her nostrils and mouth. "¿gnineppah s'tahW" she asked, standing up and walking unnaturally backwards through an open doorway
    11/30/24 11:58am
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  • A talking pig in a tuxedo appeared next to her asking "yes ma'am you called?", extending her a handkerchief
    1/20 7:52pm
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  • It was Gustav the Cosmopolitan Pig, famous late night talk show host & savant. The walls behind her opened to reveal an applauding audience. Her parents were there as well as her childhood best friend. "This," grunted Gustav, "is your life!" The cameras rolled & her moment began.
    1/21 6:59am
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The End