
23 March 2022

  • Her boyfriend was mad she cheated. He smacked her
    2/22/22 3:49pm
  • , or at least he attempted to. She deflected his attack, and responded by kicking the stuffing out of him, using her martial arts training well. “I told you, numbskull, that wasn’t me. I didn’t cheat! Why don’t you believe me?”
    2/22/22 9:40pm
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  • “Because you are a lying, cheating, bi—“ She knocked him down again. “I never cheated, ever! I would never do that, and I never have.” She broke down in tears. Her phone buzzed on the table. Before she could reply, he got up and snatched her phone, and saw a horrifying text.
    2/26/22 1:39am
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  • “No one owns anymore else.” That was all it read. It was from an unknown number. It was horrific because reading it made him forget his anger, question their relationship, and realize how many of his problems were his own fault. “I need some air”, he whispered.
    2/27/22 2:59am
  • It hurt. Processing the steps he’d taken to get to this ending, the same ending. He’d drug her over hard ground as he marched on, the same direction as usual. He’d blamed her for changing, for her skin thickening to shield from the rocky terrain. It was him. It was always him.
    3/7/22 10:13am
  • This moment of self reflection made him pause. Maybe it was time for a change - a new day. One where he would appreciate every moment and unique creature he encountered. He stepped forward, accidentally squishing a bug. Well, he thought, maybe I’ll start tomorrow.
    3/22/22 4:39pm
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The End