Zombiefoot’s Bearclaws

17 December 2024

  • The trees bent aside in spite of the forest as Zombiefoot strode out from the darkness and that was only Monday!
    10/20/24 9:49am
  • On Tuesday the mighty Zombiefoot declared donuts a basic human right. It was adopted by most nations in the Americas by Wednesday evening.
    10/21/24 11:03am
  • The president hosted a national donut conference on Thursday in solidarity, but the donuts at the conference had no sprinkles on them, which made Zombiefoot angry.
    10/25/24 3:02am
  • Zombiefoot was always angry about something and this Thursday was no different. Freedom of speech was on the agenda but all he could talk freely about were the donuts. He stormed out stamping his foot.
    11/22/24 9:49am
  • Thump thump thump all the way down the hall. It was raining outside, his least favorite weather. Time to go home. He opened his bag, it was filled with donuts. Tonight would be a good night.
    12/14/24 4:25am

The End