Nothing Up My Sleeve

17 March 2022

  • I pass my lonely hours by playing solitaire. Not a digital version on the computer, but with real cards at the kitchen table. I've lost probably 95% of these games, but those cards comfort me. Or at least they did, until that one game when I flipped a card & saw the Ace of Crabs.
    2/19/22 12:15pm
  • “That’s odd,” I thought. “I don’t even have a card like…” I couldn’t finish my sentence. The mere sight of the card was enough to put me in a trance. I sat there slackjawed for a couple of hours, unable to take my eyes off this unexplainable item.
    2/19/22 11:46pm
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  • It was there, right in front of me. The very card I chose. The Ace of Spades. He’s aced it. “Is this your card?” The magician grinned. Despite shivering in cold sweat I somehow managed to pull a poker face. “No,” I responded with a most assertive tone, “No, it isn’t.”
    2/23/22 4:29pm
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  • “Wait, it isn’t?” “Nope,” I confirmed. “Surely that’s his card, right?” “Nope,” the others replied. “But I know it’s his card! I saw it with my own eyes!” the magician protested. “No, no you didn’t.”
    3/15/22 2:49am
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  • “This is my card!” He lay a seventeen of clubs in front of the the illusionist. “But… what…” mumbled the Great Zambini. “You know what it means. Don’t make this difficult, ok?”
    3/15/22 2:53am
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  • The befuddled magician wiped his brow with his scarf as he performed the final act. In a show of defeat, he drops the scarf-which surprisingly turns into a dove and flies away. A card flutters down. The seventeen of clubs. The Great Zambini bows to the sound of applause.
    3/17/22 4:58am
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The End