
18 March 2022

  • How could he do this? I thought. He cheated on me with her? Taylor swift was right. Boys only want love its torture. She warned me too. I will never open up to another person again
    2/24/22 9:10pm
    Inactive OMG icon1
  • Not anybody. Not even my therapist. This secret is going to my grave. After all, I’ve got plenty to talk to Dr. Hamill about, so I don’t need to bring this up for a long time. If ever.
    2/24/22 10:43pm
    Inactive HEART icon1
    Inactive OMG icon1
  • It will be my little secret. My precious. I will not trade it for anything. Not even at the confession booth. He would have known anyways. What is my secret? Hah! I’m not telling. Dr. Hamill fixes his glasses to the bridge of his nose. “Have you ever used any illicit substances?”
    2/25/22 1:44am
    Inactive MAGIC icon1
  • “Oh my, yes I certainly have, Doctor! I mean, I went from college in the late 70s to the music industry in the 80s. If it can make you feel good, I’ve tried it at least twice! But I don’t have the time for any serious habit. I’m just too busy.”
    2/27/22 3:07am
    Inactive LAUGH icon1
  • The doctor withdrew a key from a pocket inside his coat & used it to open the bottom drawer on his desk. Did angels sing as he opened it? Was light shining from within? Was that the smell of her high school sweetheart's shampoo? "Try this," he said, holding a bottle. "It's love."
    3/18/22 6:27pm
    Inactive HEART icon1

The End