Jim’s Bad Day

Start in a time loop, end in a magic quarry!

5 February 2021

  • Jim had been stuck in a time loop for—by his estimates—a hundred and fifty years. At least the day he inhabited was sunny and warm, although he was often sorry he’d never again get to experience Christmas. Or his birthday. Or any day that wasn’t June 23rd, really. But June 23rd
    2/4/21 6:43pm
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  • was the day his wife was about to leave him, so he had long since played out every scenario, sometimes winning her back, sometimes letting her go, but it was disappointing that he could never move on to June 24th and see what the outcome could be. Some days he just avoided her to
    2/4/21 6:46pm
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  • stop the anxiety that crept in whenever he saw his wife's face. One day, she didn't speak to him at all. He knew now that he couldn't do anything to stop her if she chose to left. It was time to
    2/4/21 7:39pm
  • make good on the promise. The one he thought would never happen, the all time, all time of all time scenario's.. it's here and she's collecting. Sooo I.....
    2/5/21 3:28am
  • smashed up the ground with a spare excavator from my cousin's building company to escape from the payment I had to give. Down, down, and down I went, digging myself an entire underground bunker and living off of these strange glowing fruits that I unearthed like gems. By the time
    2/5/21 1:03pm
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  • they discovered my ossified remains the interest payments on my debt had reached a scale of near global significance, sending the financial markets into a tailspin, casting the world into a new dark age of poverty and pestilence. Looking back, I should probably have just paid it.
    2/5/21 2:01pm
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The End