Fraternal Pranks

ft. a policeman probably too kind for his own good

25 January 2021

  • "So let me get this straight. You were walking home at 1300 AM when you saw these seven short men vandalizing your property by tap-dancing on your basketball court with ice skates?" My brothers and I quickly donned smiles as innocent as they come onto our faces when the policeman
    12/25/20 8:37am
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  • rolled his eyes. “You’re not claiming these men were...what, dwarves? Elves? Fairies?” the cop demanded. My brothers and I all suppressed gales of laughter. I felt little tears start at the corners of my eyes. “Of course not, sir,” I managed through barely-contained giggles. “No,
    12/25/20 6:04pm
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  • they were probably workers from the local amusement park, Elven Empire.” “Well that doesn’t make things any better from my perspective,” the cop said incredulously. At that point, my brothers and I completely lost it and made a run for it. “Come back!” the police officer shouted.
    12/25/20 6:58pm
  • My brothers and I sprinted faster than ever, leaving him behind. After a few quick turns and ducking behind a dumpster, we lost him. We walked back to the house. Waiting on our doorstop was the police officer (in retrospect, giving him our address was a mistake). He handed us
    12/26/20 3:49pm
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  • each a summons to appear in court the following afternoon. “That’s for disturbing the peace and making a false police report. You’re lucky I’m not taking you to jail tonight!”
    12/26/20 7:22pm
  • Oh, thank you so much!
    1/24/21 6:35pm

The End