Tongue Lash

20 June 2020

  • Jefferson repeated the lines of the spell. “Omimum doridor. Omimum doridorrrr.” Outside, a flash. A hum. A door bell. “JEFF!” his mother called up the stairs. “Come down sweetie, there’s a girl at the door here to see you!”
    4/24/20 9:55pm
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  • Jeff cautiously crept down the staircase, unsure of what he would find. He arrived to find a young woman, maybe in her 20’s. Her hair, black as night billowed in the cool evening breeze. Her gown had antique stylings, but appeared newly sewn. Jeff’s spell had finally worked.
    4/25/20 12:59am
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  • Jeff stared at the mysterious woman in disbelief, too stunned to speak. She approached him slowly, quietly humming a mysterious melody. Jeff looked up at the stars and carefully planned his next move.
    4/25/20 5:08am
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  • “Shall we?” He asked, eyeing the mysterious woman. She continued to hum her melody, but more quietly now. She grabbed his hand and licked it. Surprised, he pulled his hand back.
    4/25/20 8:30pm
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  • The elusive and eccentric woman then danced away. She grinned, gesturing him to follow her. The woman whispered, “I have a few specialties, one such talent is tasting the lies of men.” He reluctantly followed. The sensation of her tongue still burning through his mind.
    5/16/20 8:02pm
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  • He lied incessantly, and knew he couldn't fool this devil woman. Instead of heeding her calls, he turned and ran in the other direction, toward the blinding light of dawn, in pursuit of redemption.
    6/16/20 6:59pm
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The End