Hide Away In The Winter

20 March 2023

  • BA
    A man held Eirin against the wall with her hands, pulling at her shirt. She tried pushing him away, but he was too strong. He held one hand over her mouth just as she was about to call for help. Tears poured down her face, begging for someone to help her.
    Byline Author3/14/23 8:11pm
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  • The tears fell down her face; she was alone and needed to make this happen. The smile on his face infuriated her, so she took a deep breath and tensed up her entire body. She took a slow blink and opened her eyes...
    K T avatarK T3/14/23 9:04pm
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  • The smiling man grabbed Eirin's arm and was about to drag her to the park when she mustered up all of her courage and yelled, "STOP!" The man's smile faded and he let go, shocked that she had shown any kind of resistance. "Huh?" he asked, frozen stiff, as Eirin turned and ran.
    Raj C avatarRaj C3/15/23 2:13pm
  • The smile spread across his face from ear to ear. “I love it when they run!” he thought. Then bat wings spouted from his body and he flew toward her with a maniacal laugh. “Muahahaha!” Erin looked back and saw the horrific figure and screamed as loud as she could: “HEELLLP!!”
    Keith F avatarKeith F3/18/23 5:10pm
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  • There was a flash of sea green light and The Beach Boys appeared. They immediately started singing Help Me Ronda, distracting the monster with their harmonies. This gave Erin enough time to escape. You can always count on The Beach Boys, children. Remember that as you grow.
    Sean K avatarSean K3/20/23 2:54am
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The End