Shore Things

7 August 2019

  • Reese and Keri swam frantically to shore, not once looking back at the flaming shipwreck behind them. By the time they reached land they were sore and out of breath, each clutching the only things they were able to save.
    7/28/19 12:46am
  • The shore beckoned. Who knew boats were not fire proof? Reese kept looking back at Keri. “WHY?? WHY would you test your flaming fart trick on a boat?” she screamed. It was their three month anniversary.
    7/28/19 1:48am
  • This anniversary trip was supposed to rekindle their once incandescent love affair, but the kindling that occurred was of a more sinister variety. They watched the burning ruins of their rented pirate ship from the sandy shore. They were drenched, out of breath, and out of ideas.
    7/29/19 3:17pm
  • Which was unusual because they were normally quite clever. Despite the loss of their ship they felt they must go on. They unrolled their treasure map
    8/2/19 12:12am
  • and attempted to discover where they had missed their mark. Every landmark was there: the twin palm tree, the cliff, the stone that looked like a skull. But two days' digging had yielded only swampy holes and sore backs.
    8/4/19 9:52pm
  • They pressed on, moving the digging site further up the river banks once more. Finally! Dinosaur bones, old boat propellers and a stash of matchbox cars. The weeks of canoe portage had been worth the effort.
    8/7/19 1:35pm

The End