Flat Earth Toothers

Gleaming the cube

31 October 2020

  • BA
    Our story starts, by a beaver being abducted by aliens. Yes, pretty WEIRD right? The aliens take this beaver to an earth... shaped like a square? The beaver gets dropped off at a castle and stumbles inside. The beaver falls in a machine and is fused with a human. Weird Beaver.
    Byline Author4/2/20 5:40pm
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  • Weird Beaver looked around, observing the peculiar room, and looked down at himself. The beaver shrieked. What was wrong with him?! He no longer had fur, but instead these squishy meaty things -- he'd heard they were called hands? And his tail -- he gasped. Where was his tail?!
    Ava L4/3/20 4:54pm
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  • Weird Beaver heard a voice. "You're a human now. A real dude." He looked down at his flesh fingers and watched them flex into a hang loose sign. It began to sink in. A real dude... He grasped the door handle and stumbled out into the light.
    Ben S4/6/20 5:55pm
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  • Weird Beaver, WB for short in his human form, stepped into the daylight that bright glorious day and got to experience all the things that make humans special: hot dogs, seesaws, trampolines and grocery stores. It was there that he discovered what money is, and that he had none.
    Rietje B avatarRietje B4/7/20 3:20pm
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  • WB adjusted his slacks so his beaver tail protruded a little bit less. Still quite self conscious about his newly human form, and teeming with nervous energy, WB walked haltingly into town, taking notice of ‘Help Wanted’ signs everywhere he looked.
    Sam B avatarSam B4/18/20 5:40pm
  • He pushed through the swinging doors at Abe’s Saloon. All eyes and mustaches slanted toward him. The blackjack games stopped, along with the piano. WB shuffled toward the bar, trying to not draw attention to his puffy backside. Abe couldn’t help but stare at his teeth.
    Greg P4/24/20 9:49pm
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  • They were jagged and yellow - and was that blood on the corner of his mouth? Abe felt a chill run up his spine and his hand went instinctively to the gun belt riding low on his hips. WB saw the move from the corner of his eye which swung lazily toward Abe. He chuckled. “Go ahead
    Robin D avatarRobin D8/14/20 11:56am
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  • and shoot! It won’t do a thing to help, unless that sidearm is loaded with fluoride bullets. Your problem is plaque, and you can fight it with regular flossing, hombre! Now skedaddle before I decide to
    Sean K avatarSean K8/19/20 4:21am
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  • Get all your teeth and keep them as mementos...get out of my office you freak! He was literally thown out the office, his sidearm flying through the air. You will pay for this, no one do this to me or to my teeth
    Z G9/23/20 3:15am
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  • He had worked so hard for those teeth—working his way up to Lead Tooth Fairy in the collection department of Tooth & Tusk LLC. "If those gObLinS didn't want me, then they didn't deserve me! I'll show them." Teary eyed, he stormed home and started to plan his revenge...
    Nathan B10/31/20 1:38am
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The End