
6 November 2022

  • Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, a little alien called Wibee went to explore in his little and round ship. One thing he didnt know…his adventure was going to be out of this world.
    10/30/22 8:50pm
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  • Wibee straightened his helmet and carefully entered location coordinates. He’d always wanted to visit the Crab Nebula. He rubbed the slug like statue on his lucky bracelet and engaged warp drive.
    10/30/22 9:09pm
    Inactive HEART icon2
  • Wibee couldn’t help but yell “Yippee!” as he cruised through space at supersonic speeds. He entered ludicrous speed in hyperspace, even going plaid. Then sirens. Uh oh, it’s the space police. “Please exit the vehicle now, you have violated the laws of physics!” Leave, he did not.
    10/31/22 1:00am
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  • “Eat static, piggies!” He said as he flipped a switch and pulled the throttle. His pod slid sideways through spacetime, skidded across 4 timelines and fishtailed across nearly 300 years. He ended up in a cafe 20 years earlier, talking someone out of joining the Space Police.
    11/3/22 5:10pm
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  • "All's fine as long as I never meet my younger self & create a paradox," he mused. While leaving the cafe, he believed he saw his reflection in the exit's glass, but when it opened the door, he knew it was over. His younger self bumped him on the way in & the universe imploded.
    11/4/22 6:15pm
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The End