Sequence X9-2048

13 December 2021

  • It was a cataclysm of errors and screen misdirects, but the monks had come together to play this game, and the ball was in their court, so to speak.
    12/13/21 12:29am
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  • But what were they thinking? Who was holding the ball? And how could winning or losing make a difference?
    12/13/21 12:35am
  • Times like this, speed is more important than accuracy, and they were wasting time. This crew needed to buckle down, get their $#!$ together, and come up with a plan.
    12/13/21 12:38am
  • And in the sky to the East was a great pinpoint of light, and the crew looked on in distraction, mentally measuring the distance from their s&*$ to the star.
    12/13/21 12:43am
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  • They moved toward it, and behold, it moved further away. "Pesky stars!" said Captain Sassafrass. "It's the monks, again!" Said his twin, Jesohoot. "Yep. And their balls."
    12/13/21 12:46am
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  • Jesohoot and Captain Sassfrass had only been twins for one lifetime. Their harmonies suffered as a result. The stars were conjoined in a similar manner.
    12/13/21 12:48am
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  • No one knew why they had been twinned and this mystery had confused all the monks and inspired the invention of this cruel exercise. Afterwards, always twinkees.
    12/13/21 12:49am
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  • Maybe, just maybe, there was a way out of this. If only they had access to an X9-2048 gene sequencer. But when life gives you lemons, you bite down and brace for the sour rush.
    12/13/21 12:53am
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  • And it is always a rush, sour or sweet, it is unavoidable and all things are unavoidable, unless they can be avoided. Ah, the old ontological narrative.
    12/13/21 12:59am
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  • And they flew into the star, exploding, one big burst of light and mesmeric atmosphere. And what happened next, no one knew. Was there ever even a narrator for this narrative? Then who am I?
    12/13/21 1:02am
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The End