A Stranded To-Be Ghost Ship

Stuck in the ocean, forever…

11 August 2024

View in English
  • nnnnnnnnnnnnnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    8/1/24 9:16am
  • It was the best impression of an outboard motor being submerged in the water. I was sure that I would win the talent show with it. Who doesn't love the sounds of motorboats? I took the stage. The lights were bright. I couldn't see her, but I knew Natalie was out there, listening.
    8/1/24 10:14am
  • I know she had her fingers crossed as she knew how much it meant to me. As I was about to submerge the motor, I could hear this commotion, sounding like Natalie was screaming "STOP! DONT DO IT" I wasn't sure so I continued...then the lights went out!
    8/1/24 2:09pm
  • Turns out that not only was the motor powering our boat, but it was powering the rest of our electricity too. Now we were not only not moving, but we were having a power outage too. And if we couldn’t get electricity back, we would likely all be doomed.
    8/3/24 4:01pm
  • That was the end of the road for us. Our boat was stranded in the ocean, forever. We all died, one by one, either by starvation, dehydration, unmitigated COVID-19 (as we were unwilling to wear masks), or hypothermia. And that was how the legend of the ghost ship was born. THE END
    8/8/24 12:50pm

The End