An Unlikely Friend

29 March 2024

  • Once upon a time there lived a 21 year old woman. She lived near a bog which made her body do unusual things such as attain chronically cold feet.
    1/18/24 3:31am
  • One fine November afternoon, an unusual chill set in. Additionally, a stench that could wake the dead wafted through the autumn air. “What in the world is that smell!” She exclaimed.
    2/4/24 2:25am
  • "Aw yuck! I could ask the same question. Here I was being all dead and what not when that awful smell woke me up." The speaker belongs to a zombie who crawled its way up through the earth. "Ahh zombie!" She screams. "Wait!" The zombie says, "I don't want to hurt you. I just want
    2/11/24 11:47pm
  • "I just want to be friends with you. I'm the only nice zombie that I know of." The girl didn't know whether she should trust this smelly and scary-looking creature.
    3/4/24 10:31am
  • But then she realised it probably didn’t have a brain and was not worth worrying about. So she befriended the zombie and they had a nice journey together, out in the wastelands. An unlikely friendship formed and she showed the zombie to the library to get the zombie an education.
    3/27/24 2:22pm

The End