
26 October 2021

  • You wake up in your room to find that you have been shrunken down to one inch tall. You jump up and run to the edge of your bed. Booming footsteps can be heard approaching, and you look up to see your mother enter the room looking for you. She towers high above your tiny body.
    9/29/21 3:40pm
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  • She’s carrying a sweater, the one she cleaned for your special date. As you scream “mom!” she throws it on the bed, covering you. You reappear to hear a click. She has left and closed the door. How will I get to my date, you wonder. And how will I find clothes for my teeny body?
    9/29/21 11:20pm
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  • Even Barbie clothes would be too big for you. So, you hire a spider to weave you an outfit made of gossamer. It's hard to catch 3 flies for payment, but worth it—you look amazing! As you pay the spider, it says, "You need a lift? I know 2 guys," & hands you a card: KATYDID & DOES
    10/4/21 8:47pm
    Inactive PUMPKIN icon1
  • EXPRESS COURIERS. ANY CARGO UNDER 10 oz. TREATED WITH UTMOST CARE. Where the phone number should be was a list of morse-like buzzes and clicks. "Could you... um... contact them for me, sir?", you say, "I need a lift as soon as they can come."
    10/7/21 12:33pm
    Inactive LAUGH icon1
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  • The man pulls out a device that was like a phone, but not. You hear a series of beeps. “Hey. We got another small one,” he mumbles into the device. A few minutes later a van pulls up. The door slides open and you see rows of tiny compartments. He leans to pick you up.
    10/8/21 12:01pm
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  • You bite his thumb. He recoils. As he curses, tiny faces appear at the cage doors of the compartments. It’s dozens of creatures like you. They all cheer for your attack on the man now squeezing his wounded thumb. “Freedom!” you shout unintelligibly to anyone taller than the you.
    10/26/21 2:40am
    Inactive HEART icon2
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The End