Unexpectedly lavish

27 July 2020

  • The forest was fragrant in that woody, musky way that reminded him of his childhood. It had been years since he last visited the cabin. He rustled through his pocket to find the keys. August 1999. The summer he earned his least favorite nickname.
    5/4/20 5:14pm
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  • He briskly walked to the cabin. Passing through some old and noticeably crooked trees, he began to reminisce about that dreadful summer. That specific year was definitely something to remember. “Jaded Jack” they had named him.
    5/16/20 7:19pm
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  • By the time he arrived at the cabin it was dusk and its windows glowed with orange light. Jack slowly opened the creaky screen door and stepped over the doormat with a menacing skull and crossbones. Far in the distance a wolf howled.
    6/13/20 1:32am
  • He was hit with the musty stench of neglect as he entered the dark.
    7/19/20 8:48pm
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  • But what else was an abandoned sea shack supposed to smell like? The salty, putrid smell of washed up crustaceans overwhelmed him. But they also reminded him of home.
    7/24/20 3:53am
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  • And so he pulled up a chair to the dinner table, and dug in. He ate all the crabs and lobster and fish on the table, bones and shells and all.
    7/27/20 3:00pm
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The End