It’s a Hole Thing

15 December 2024

  • He only liked wearing socks when they were full of holes.
    10/23/24 3:04am
  • This was because his obsession with Swiss cheese went overboard. Heck, he wouldn’t even as much as look at something that wasn’t full of holes either. Everything had to be reminiscent of Swiss cheese for him to even exist in the world.
    11/2/24 1:49pm
  • He sat dOwn, w0ndering ()nce again, prObably for the 10Oo0Oth time if he wOuld ever be able t0 get ()ver his cheesy Swiss curse. A n0ise from behind him made the hairs 0n his neck stand On end... "BO0!" b0omed the sh0cking vOice, making him jump ()ut of his bOnes
    11/8/24 9:43pm
  • There was a c0ugh, then the vOice repeated “B0o()@… what the hurk?” “S0rry”, I said, “my curse has a radius. Y@u can either m•ve away, av0id that letter, ()r live with it.” The spirit moved back 3 meters then tried again. “Booo! Much better. How’d you get this curse anyway?”
    12/12/24 11:59pm
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  • “It’s a B1t 0f a l0on3 story,” I said. The spirit grinned and replied, “I have time.” And he did, an eternity in fact. They stood there for hours and slowly became the best of friends.
    12/14/24 4:32am
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The End