The Vengeful Guitarist

1 January 2021

  • With a sledgehammer and a smile. That’s how it happened. She had thought of other ways but they cost more than her job at Mongus Music Store permitted.
    12/29/20 4:02pm
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  • She would take that sledgehammer to her boss’s car, and as she smashed, she smiled. “That’s for promoting Dave over me!” she screamed, punctuating the last word with the hammer to the windshield. “And for not letting me demo guitars because I’m a girl!” SMASH! Just then, a scared
    12/29/20 5:14pm
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  • windshield wiper scuttled to the side, weeping over its broken partner and screeching in horror as it ran away from the enraged guitarist. "Why?! We did nothing wrong but belong to the guy who you're angry against! Go hit him instead of us, maniac!" It started appealing to the
    12/30/20 3:52am
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  • guitarist, this line of thinking. Maybe he had been wrong all along. He looked at the collateral damage around him and decided on a new target for his rage. He took out his pic and strummed something powerful and discordant. Sludgy purple green vapor trails began spewing out.
    12/30/20 2:23pm
  • It was the song from the fires of hades.
    12/30/20 5:16pm
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The End