Commuter Curiosities

12 August 2019

  • Edgar was about to embark on his least favorite activity of the day, the morning walk to his office. A short fifteen minutes and the reason he bought his house where he did. Little did he know what he would be facing every morning at precisely eight minutes past the hour.
    8/7/19 1:26pm
  • At first he couldn’t believe his eyes and thought maybe they were playing a trick on him. But no, every day at exactly 8 minutes past the hour...
    8/9/19 12:33am
  • the cats tap danced on the windowsill, enticing people to watch them. Like sirens, they fed off those who got too close to them, only to feed off their attention. I realised I too was there, watching, enjoying and...
    8/9/19 7:07pm
  • ... falling for their tricks. These creatures were masters of feline manipulation. I locked eyes with the leader of the pack and found myself involuntarily raising my arms above my head and standing on one foot.
    8/9/19 9:26pm
  • My hands came together above my head, and my raised foot created a triangle with my leg. I started to twirl with pointed toes, and that's when I realized it. That I could be the ballerina I've always wanted to be.
    8/12/19 10:47am

The End