No Patch for you Today

A Junior Ape Scout Adventure

23 January 2021

  • Hi Mr. Monkey, my name is Banana Nana, I am a junior Ape scout and I am so excited to be here in this tree! I will win my climbing patch today!
    1/18/21 1:32am
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  • The Jr. Ape Scout was surprised to see the monkey growl and bare its teeth. He knew that was a sign of aggression, so he quickly scampered up the trunk to the next branch. He could do better recon for his climb there anyway.
    1/20/21 3:24am
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  • He quickly scanned the horizon like his Scout Leader told him, not getting distracted by the carnivorous bananas that claimed many a monkey. Everything seemed normal until he saw the large mass that barreled down the forested slope, making entire trees fall irregularly.
    1/21/21 9:45am
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  • It was the largest monkey he had ever seen: bright red, with a look of rage and determination on its wide face. It opened its mouth and let out a shriek so piercing that the boy had to drop to the ground and cover his ears. The trees continued to topple, and the ragemonkey
    1/23/21 12:26am
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  • Then the monkey punched him in the face.
    1/23/21 12:30am
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  • He deserved it, he supposed. If he was honest with himself. He could have been nicer to the monkey. Thought more about its needs. Catered more to its desires. All too late now, of course. He woke up hours later, groggy, having soiled himself. A sad fate, but quite deserved.
    1/23/21 3:18am
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The End