World Widening Web

21 February 2021

  • When humankind first encountered an intelligence equivalent to its own, it was not at all what we expected.
    2/15/21 6:36pm
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  • Our clever counterparts looked bizarre despite having having a language similar to ours. “What brings you to this planet?” I asked into the translation box. One of the beings scurried forward to answer, deftly moving its spindly legs. It stared at me with six eyes and replied.
    2/15/21 6:50pm
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  • “We have visited before,” the growling voice of the translation box said. “We fear we may have left a few of our kind who have since multiplied and become part of your ecosystem.” “You mean spiders?” I asked, noting the legs and eyes. “We believe this is how you call them,” the
    2/15/21 7:15pm
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  • spi- No, alien said as it flicked up its eight legs in despair. "But oh horror, our brethren on your planet has become dumb and mindless due to the toxins contained in their diet that melts their brains. They have become less intelligent and can no longer help us in our war." It
    2/16/21 10:02am
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  • was horrific to observe: the spider creature dripped viscous goo from sharp, claw-like teeth as it spoke. Its legs were spindly and ended in talons, the rearmost of which scrabbled against the floor in such a way that a shiver ran down my spine. “I’m not sure what you want me to
    2/21/21 10:16pm
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  • do,”I said to the spider. The spider’s red eyes focused on me. Although I was bigger than him, I felt like prey. The spider then proceeded to jump onto me. I felt his teeth sink into my face and I felt the burning of its venom under my skin. Then, I was dead.
    2/21/21 11:42pm
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The End