Ballad of Mary Blue

10 February 2021

  • Felce had always been a quiet town on the cliffs bordering the sea, the only racket emanating from it coming from the waves crashing against the rocks as the tide rolled in every full moon. If you asked the locals, that wasn’t the only occurrence every full moon. Those nights,
    2/7/21 5:01am
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  • a strange sound filled the air. A loud whistle, coming from off-shore, from no perceivable source. Rumored to be from the ship Mary Blue, which met its fate the night of a full moon many years ago. With only three days to go, Marla set out to solve the mystery once and for all.
    2/7/21 6:03am
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  • First, she had to go down to the roots. Track things to way back when Mary Blue was just metal scraps. Taking the address, she drove off to the middle of nowhere, near the sharp cliffs. She almost made it to the metal refinery and the day was as clear as can be, when one of the
    2/8/21 2:09pm
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  • two phones she always carry with me rang out loudly, piercing through frantic thoughts. She reaches for it, hand on steering wheel, a quick glance for the dangerous cliff edges, "What now!" she thought angrily,
    2/8/21 10:40pm
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  • Reaching into her pocket, she dug around for the phone, but couldn’t find it. She took her hands off the steering wheel to dig more thoroughly, the ringing driving her nuts. Suddenly, there was a horrible crunching sound as the ship smashed into a cliff edge. She had failed.
    2/10/21 1:28am
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The End