Dry Run

18 September 2019

  • The wind was strong, but no match for her spirit. She had been planning for weeks, taking the family boat out each day to ensure she would pass the sailing exam. Her father would be watching. After last year, failure was not an option. She approached the school with purpose.
    8/14/19 8:50pm
  • "Hello!" She shouted as she ran to greet her instructor. Her excitement got the best of her, however, and as she galloped down the dock, her foot slipped. SPLASH! Into the water she crashed. But even wet sneakers couldn't wipe the look of sheer determination from her face.
    8/16/19 2:32pm
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  • Determination quickly turned to confusion as she saw the instructor take off in a dead sprint in the opposite direction. She then realized she was never meant to see her instructor here with those people at all. Shaken by this, she walked home dreading the idea of class tomorrow.
    9/17/19 2:14pm

The End