Transmission In the Dark

29 December 2020

  • "Hello?" It was about time that he gave up, but Bane couldn't help but click the button on the battered walkie-talkie once more. "Hello?" His hollow voice echoed amidst the crackling static. It was working, sending his greetings into the air. But there was no receiver. As always.
    12/26/20 2:46am
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  • Bane made another hash mark in his radio log. Almost 400 days transmitting without a single reply. The radio worked, but no one heard. He hoped there was someone to hear, somewhere.
    12/26/20 2:59am
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  • But on the 401st day, the static cleared, just for a moment, and a child’s voice came through, muffled. “Yes? Yes? I am here!” The child had a faint French accent, so Bane rattled off a few words in that language, then “Where are you?” A pause. “In the dark,” the child replied.
    12/26/20 5:13am
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  • Bane clung to his trusty ham radio. “What do you remember before the darkness?” he asked the child. “I’ll need landmarks if I’m to rescue you.” The child paused for a moment. “I remember passing through four stone arches before making a right and walking several miles ...”
    12/26/20 7:34pm
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  • “We passed two McDonalds, three Burger Kings and a Wendy’s” he continued. Bane knew there was only one place in the world with that many fast food establishments in close proximity: Dayton, Ohio. They set off in search of the child’s home (and maybe a McFlurry).
    12/27/20 4:35pm
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  • The real truth was though, and Charlie knew this. That when they find the child’s home. They would find a McFlurry, and even more than that. They would find the secret formula behind The McFlurry
    12/27/20 6:58pm
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The End