How Humans Ruined Arbor Day for the Fae

27 January 2021

  • Emily started seeing the fairies as a child. At first, they only came to her at night, rearranging her toys and giggling as they did so. She would be frequently awakened by the buzzing of their tiny wings and the musical lilts of their soft voices. Sometimes they sang in whispers
    12/23/20 7:58pm
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  • “tully tully tully ho, where do all fairies go” their songs filled her ears and dreams. As she got older they would appear during the day, sometimes at school rearranging homework or eating her lunch snacks. They were her favorite secret, until the day they abruptly disappeared.
    12/23/20 8:53pm
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  • She opened her notebook and wrote instructions in big block letters, just had she done so many mornings before: FAERIES COME OUT—PLEASE PLAY DON’T POUT. But then, unlike so many mornings, the faeries failed to appear.
    12/24/20 5:45pm
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  • She didn’t realize it was the most important faerie holiday of the year. Most humans don’t know anything about Arbor Day, but faeries spend the whole day in the branches of the biggest tree around. Nothing interrupts them.
    12/24/20 9:35pm
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  • Or they were supposed to be due to the great barrier around the tree, but ignorant majority of humanity had finally done it when the broke through the barrier with a magical bulldozer reinforced by those nasty humans trying to use faeries as magical materials. The fragile peace
    12/26/20 2:32am
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  • crumbled, descending the world into an untold age of madness. When will we learn that barriers exist for a reason and that using others is wrong?
    1/27/21 7:08pm
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The End