Night Owls

19 January 2021

  • Jerry glanced down at the photograph in his hand, then back up again at the woman sitting alone at the back of the cafe.
    1/18/21 4:09pm
  • Would that he could reverse course, take it all back and never step in this place, but he knew he would be followed if he went back outside. If he didn’t act now, he would never again have the chance.
    1/19/21 5:56am
  • All at once a blinding light coursed through the space. Jerry and the woman froze. And then a creature appeared, seemingly from the air itself.
    1/19/21 5:56am
  • Jerry wasn’t surprised, having worried they had seen him and would find her. He had utterly failed and had to sacrifice them both.
    1/19/21 6:18am

The End