The Mars Experiment

10 February 2021

  • Well, it's not every day that you discover your mother is the most despised supervillain in the history of Mars.
    2/3/21 11:01pm
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  • Many a nights, he'd wondered what he would say to her. Finally, the moment is her. With tears on the tips of his eyelids, one foot after the other, he makes his way to her, Then, wait!, he thought, "What am I doing?"
    2/3/21 11:29pm
  • “I never fully planned out my exact words, now the time is upon me, and here I stand in front of her full glory, speechless and stupid,” he thought, staring instead at his boots. She looked at him expectantly, but he remained silent. Her look changed to one of puzzlement, as
    2/4/21 2:56am
  • he began to grow horns from his cheeks. Damn it, this always happened when he got embarrassed. Really exacerbated an already difficult situation.
    2/4/21 5:09am
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  • I turned to my horrified parents who were watching nearby and cleared my throat. "I can explain," I said. I took a deep breath and confessed. "I'm a supervillain, my boyfriend here is one of my victims-turned lover because of this experiment gone horribly wrong. I really started
    2/4/21 10:22am
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  • committing crimes when I was just a kid, and now things are spinning out of control.” I felt my face grow warm with embarassment. “I think an experiment I did is going to land me in jail.” My parents stared, speechless. My boyfriend patted me on the arm. “Give them a minute,” he
    2/4/21 6:33pm
  • Said quietly. My mother knit her brows together as she fixated on a knot in the hardwood floorboards, and my father’s eyes emanated hurt. I should’ve kept them in the loop from the beginning, but I didn’t want them to be implicated. The experiment that incriminated me was
    2/4/21 7:08pm
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  • growing restless in the basement. I could hear the grotesque creation pacing back and forth downstairs, knocking things over, mumbling to itself in deep tones. I took my parents hands and squeezed. “You were right,” I said, fighting tears back. “Now help me slay the beast.”
    2/7/21 4:14am
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The End