Night Owls

26 February 2021

  • Jerry glanced down at the photograph in his hand, then back up again at the woman sitting alone at the back of the cafe.
    2/26/21 5:03pm
  • This was no ordinary woman. She was old, had wrinkles, and was extremely pale almost as if she were a ghost.
    2/26/21 5:07pm
  • All at once a blinding light coursed through the space. Jerry and the woman froze. And then a creature appeared, seemingly from the air itself.
    2/26/21 5:07pm
  • It appeared to be a small green creature with three eyes bulging out of its head, nearly running right past Jerry and knocking him over. All of a sudden Jerry and the woman fell to the ground only to realize that they too had been turned into small green creatures themselves. Bye
    2/26/21 5:16pm

The End