Fright Flight

13 September 2020

  • The glider was coming in low and fast, approaching from the north. The silent plane meant the pilot could hear snatches of conversation and bits of music and she flew over rooftops. The people in the city below had no idea what was right overhead.
    8/21/20 12:47am
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  • Without so much as a sound the stealthy pilot landed on her intended target, a luxurious rooftop garden in the heart of the city. She hid her craft and scanned around in the dark until she found what she was looking for: a door, ever slightly ajar, leading to the penthouse.
    8/21/20 5:08am
  • She donned her night vision goggles and tucked her weapon in the back of her waistband. She put her hand on the slightly open door and stopped. She took a deep breath and willed away the sudden apprehension in her belly - she’d trained for this. She had to trust her instincts.
    8/22/20 10:50am
  • She slowly opened the door. The room was empty. She found the box, ancient with what looked like hieroglyphics on the sides. She grabbed it and left, relieved there hadn’t been reason to use her gun. At home she carefully opened the box revealing a small, purple creature inside.
    8/23/20 6:34am
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  • “Hello, I’m Glen,” said the little purple monster. She dropped the box and screamed. “Don’t worry,” said Glen, “I get that a lot.” She caught her breath and inched forward. “You’re a woodland… spirit,” she said. “You guessed it! I’m about 2,000 years old... And gosh, I’m hungry!”
    8/24/20 2:42pm
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  • She said:“well, I have some bbq ribs on the fridge, do you want some?” Glen eyes opened up and with a big smile on his face he said! “Of course! I haven’t eaten in about 300 years! I am starving” They went to the kitchen, sat down and shared the best meal of their lives.
    9/12/20 6:20pm
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The End