The Octopoda Wars

23 January 2021

  • We were living difficult times. Life was not the same since the last war. We lost a lot of people, a lot of friends...but although we thought for a moment peace was finally here, a new threat appeared.
    1/23/21 12:50am
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  • We were fools, thinking that only humanity were dangers to each other. We forgot about the unknown, the depths of the sea, and the ever advancing pace of evolution.
    1/23/21 4:16am
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  • We were taken completely by surprise when armored hyper-intelligent octopus soldiers swarmed out of the water and invaded. In 48 hours their coordinated action gave them control of most of earth’s coastal cities.
    1/23/21 4:57am
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  • I'd never been more scared in my life but couldn't let my platoon know that. I picked up a crowbar and pried open the first wooden crate, emblazoned with an octopus biohazard symbol. "Everyone pick up a canister," I commanded. "Time to prove that four arms are better than eight."
    1/23/21 6:19pm
  • We all emptied the canisters into our mouths, and five minutes later I and the rest of my platoon were all transforming from human into gelatenous octopi. The tentacles sprang forth from my torso with excruciating pain, and I blacked out for most of it, only waking up once it was
    1/23/21 10:02pm
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  • in full effect. I rubbed my very large eyes in disbelief as the suction cups adhered my eyelids. This would take some getting used to. The platoon gathered, and we used our new abilities to camouflage and ink our enemy, a successful maneuver henceforth known as Octofire.
    1/23/21 11:17pm
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The End