Walking on Eggshells

4 March 2021

  • Humpty Dumpty was tired. He was tired of being glued over and over again...why did he had such a thin and fragile shell? He wanted to be stronger, the best egg ever! The Schwarzenegger of all eggs...
    3/1/21 2:10am
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  • Old Humpty needed to pump up his shell to the max. He wanted to survive a fall from 30 feet without any undergraduate contraptions to shield him. Humpty Dumpty need calcium!
    3/1/21 2:21am
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  • Humpty takes a day off from the wall, to find a cow rich with calcium laded milk.
    3/1/21 9:37am
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  • The calcium in the milk will keep him from cracking, so all the king’s horses and men won’t have to put Humpty back together again. It is a nuisance to them to have to always put him back together.
    3/2/21 3:52am
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  • Unfortunately, late at night a cook and Humpty Dumpty got in a brawl in a nearby pub. Not many people remember what the argument was about, while some vaguely say that it was about eggs' rights or something. But everyone remembers the horror that happened afterwards. The cook
    3/2/21 1:46pm
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  • shoved him off the wall he’d been sitting on and then greedily scooped his insides into a pan. He then rushed off to win the world record for the biggest omelet ever made, and no one ever heard Humpty’s story or learned of his plight. It was a grim day for egg-kind.
    3/2/21 7:33pm
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The End