Bank Holiday

2 October 2019

  • Darlene sat at the station watching the first snowflakes of winter land on the tracks. When the train arrived she boarded with a woman dressed all in black who walked briskly despite an obvious limp. She must be new to the area Darlene thought uneasily.
    9/14/19 2:57pm
  • Then the woman faced Darlene. “Dippy Dips? Is that you?” Darlene stared. “Darlene Dippledammer! You’ve forgotten me!?” From behind her, a handsome man, also wearing black, with the same limp, grabbed Darlene’s arm, “It’s time we caught up. The 3 of us have much to discuss...”
    9/22/19 11:30pm
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  • It had been 3 years since the trio had last struck in their spree of 5 bank heists all the way down the eastern seaboard. Although Darlene had turned to a life of competitive crocheting and professional powerlifting, she was intrigued. In a blur of wool, the three exited the cafe
    9/23/19 9:56pm
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  • A life of crime had been no way to live. But one last job couldn’t hurt, now that she was so deeply in debt from her expensive crocheting habit. But as they shuffled into the car in their cumbersome sweaters, she realized: it wasn’t the crime she missed, but the friendship.
    10/2/19 3:39pm
    Inactive HEART icon3

The End