A song at the end of the tunnel

13 November 2024

  • I was on my way to the shop when I first heard a high, eerie, beautiful sound. At first I thought it was a bird, then an instrument. As the sound developed into a tune, I realized it was a voice. I was frozen in my tracks on the sidewalk. I couldn’t do anything but listen.
    10/12/24 3:12am
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  • The voice was enchanting. Slight modulations, high and light. I listened carefully to see if I could understand the words of the song. “Worry not, worry not, for angels have got your tongue.” I walked closer. It was then I realized the singer was crying.
    10/12/24 2:58pm
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  • A break in the song allowed me a moment to fully take in my surroundings. A mortuary, not unlike the
    10/14/24 9:26am
  • place I was expecting to find myself in yet somehow different, ethereal. Then the song picked up again, enchanting and melancholic - I felt I was hearing it not as a sound but instead a reverberation grasping my soul with gravity, I allowed it to take me. I closed my eyes and saw
    11/8/24 8:49pm
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  • stars being born & galaxies spread. I saw trilobites crawl across a Paleozoic seafloor & heard the sound of my great-grandmother's laugh. I numbered the grains of sand in the Sahara & knew the colors baby birds see within their eggs. Then the music ended. I was just beautiful me.
    11/13/24 2:28pm
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The End