Shi Ling and the Dragon of Destiny

A samurai’s dream

23 January 2021

  • The samurai era, synonym of honor, strength and wisdom. A group of samurais were ready to start the training that would define all. Who stayed or who would leave in disgrace. It was the time, to give all, at least it was the most important time for little samurai Shi Ling.
    1/18/21 1:34pm
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  • Shi Ling had been training as long as she could remember. No birthday parties, no sleepovers. Just armor, sword play, history class. All honorable pursuits Shi Ling did not question until her disturbing vision from her dream last night.
    1/19/21 1:03am
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  • In her dream, she saw the glowing emerald glass dragon that her grandfather, an ancient samurai had told her about many times.
    1/19/21 3:37am
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  • Despite the stories she heard, Shi Ling still stared in awe at the dragon. Her grandfather described him as a dragon of destiny, a vessel with the spirits. It was something she couldn't fathom. It spoke to her, but the voice was oddly familiar. Too much so. Her grandfather's.
    1/19/21 6:42pm
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  • “Grandfather, have you come back as a dragon, or were you the dragon all along?”, she asked. “Neither!”, the dragon’s voice rumbling in her ears. “Each person hears me in the voice of their most beloved. Now let’s get to work on the real problem.”
    1/20/21 2:44am
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  • Shi Ling marveled at this a moment, then smiled. If the dragon was not really her grandfather, at least his voice would speak through the mighty beast and help her on this journey. “Do you have a name?” she asked. “I am just Dragon,” it replied. “And it matters not, little one.”
    1/21/21 1:05pm
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  • Shi Ling and the dragon flew over the valley, the mountains and finally crossing the great ocean of the West. She air was filled with potential and energy. They slowed down when the island was in sight. This was it, the Island of Gray Pearl. Her destiny just minutes away.
    1/23/21 2:48am
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  • Or seconds. Suddenly, a wyvern rose out from the island lashing out in pain. "Those dratted humans have come to extinguish the last of our kind, dragon and little witch! Flee, flee!" He plummeted down to the ocean, allowing the rain of arrows to reach Shi Ling and the dragon.
    1/23/21 4:10am
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The End