Tip your Barista

1 January 2021

  • The first time I saw the version of myself from an alternate universe, I was five. At the time, I merely took it for a reflection in the mirror. It was only later I realized he was an actual different person.
    12/29/20 3:40pm
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  • A whole person, yes. But a completely different kind of me. One that my parents never thought could ever exist. I’ve got a plan.
    12/29/20 4:33pm
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  • Now that I feel whole and different, my plan forms more concretely. I slip into a completely black outfit, blending into the night, and I creep outside, sprinting quietly down the street until I reach the small café on the corner. It’s closed, but my new powers allow me to focus
    12/29/20 5:29pm
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  • on the rich aroma of the new coffee blend being invented in the break room of the cafe. But it was then that I was unknowingly trapped as the irresistible smell made me unable to focus on anything else. Before I knew it, I was in plain sight in front of the flustered barista.
    12/30/20 3:24am
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  • It felt like a lucid dream. I could hear the sound of my own voice, but what was I saying? The longer I droned on the more the barista looked confused. By the end of it she was downright mad. With every remaining once of self-control I reached into my pocket for a peace offering.
    12/30/20 10:49pm
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  • A gift card to the same coffee shop, so that she too could torture a barista. She didn’t seem to appreciate the gesture. “I’ll go make your double-choco-whatchamacallit, sir.” The resulting beverage was barely potable and gave him the runs. But the look on her face? Priceless.
    1/1/21 2:28am
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The End