To Compete in England

17 September 2019

  • In the glamorous, high stakes world of Grenade Polo, there are two types of players: the quick and the dead.
    8/19/19 4:22pm
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  • Fargo was an unlikely setting for the explosive equine championship. Who would have thought the innocent game of polo could be made more exciting with dangerous weapons? The drama of this year's matchups would be heightened by record snowfall and chilling temperatures.
    8/19/19 9:06pm
  • The horses and the players were a little slower in their kevlar suits, but they were grateful for the extra layers in the subzero temperatures. The suits were absolutely necessary when a polo ball was triggered and exploded before reaching a goal.
    8/20/19 10:45am
  • The moment it happened you could sense a shared sentiment, that this new exploding technology and the subzero temperatures were ridiculous. They look at the remnants of the polo ball. They knew it would be hard, but not this hard. The prize was worth it. SHE was worth it.
    8/22/19 7:50pm
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  • She DESERVED that cake stand. This was the Great British Bake Off, and she was the best damn baker in all of England!!!
    9/15/19 4:25pm
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  • As it turns out, the judges thought so too. Her cake was awarded first prize, by a landslide. When asked what her secret was, she responded sheepishly, “love.” She laughed softly to herself, knowing full well that her secret ingredient was mayonnaise.
    9/17/19 12:01am
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The End