The pickup line that actually worked.

28 January 2021

  • The night, like most nights on the Newfoundland coast this time of year, was appropriately dark and stormy. Eileen sat at the bar, silently making her way through beer number four - or was it five - as the clock's needles neared twelve.
    1/25/21 3:50pm
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  • The moment she feared was driving her mad with anxiety. She had a hundred ways it could have played out in her mind, all of which exploded in a moment of shock when she felt his hand on her shoulder. She was facing the door! How did he get past her? "Come on, Eileen," he said.
    1/25/21 4:38pm
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  • “Oh, I swear,” Eileen replied. “You’re not gonna start in with that again, are you?” She sighed, adjusting her pretty red dress. Kevin just looked at her, his eyes pleading. “My thoughts, I confess—“ he began, but Eileen snapped her fingers in front of his face. “NO. Stop.”
    1/25/21 5:03pm
  • Kevin presses his lips together, pulling his head away from the snap. This wasn’t going the way he’d hoped. For a moment, he just stared at Eileen, trying to decide what to say next... what he *could* even say. Wearily, he reached up and rubbed his eyes before meeting her gaze.
    1/25/21 6:29pm
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  • Her face conveyed a desperate longing, reflecting the heat that was slowly growing in her loins.
    1/25/21 9:03pm
  • Then again, the seat warmers in her car were on. It wouldn’t be the first time she had mistaken the comforts of a heated seat for a greater desire. Oh heck, she thought. Let’s give this a shot. And so she left her seat and ventured into the world, a romantic glint in her eye.
    1/26/21 4:35am
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The End