Naughty Chickens

A delicious and juicy story

6 October 2020

  • What is to be a chicken you ask? Nothing special actually, you wake up early with the song of the neighbor rooster, you check the eggs (sometimes they disappear magically), you dig for some worms for breakfast and start an interesting conversation with your fellow chickens
    9/27/20 1:22am
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  • Today’s topic is corn. The hens discussed it with enthusiasm. “Remember two weeks ago?” asks Bernice the Rhodes Island Red. She was hungry just thinking about it. The gals had been together a long time. They could discuss anything. Other than Roland the German Langshan, that is.
    9/27/20 3:49am
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  • Now Roland happened to be a very attractive rooster. We humans wouldn’t notice that of course, but his beauty was not lost on Bernice and her circle of hens. To them, he was simply gorgeous.
    9/27/20 4:32am
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  • Especially to Bernice. As the other hens preened and fluffed their feathers, in the hopes of getting Roland's attention, Bernice just stood and admired the beauty that waltzed in front of her. So awestruck that she barely noticed when he bypassed the other hens and greeted her.
    9/29/20 12:52am
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  • “P-p-pardon me?” She stammered. Roland grinned suavely. “I said, what’s shaken’, you fine piece of delectable thigh meat?!” Bernice gasped, her womanly senses suddenly coming to roost as she realized what a chauvinist Roland was. She reached out and poked him in his chicken chest
    10/5/20 1:00pm
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  • knocking him off his roost. Roland gasped as he fell to the floor. Bernice puffed up her chest and looked down at him, exclaiming “I wouldn’t share a worm with you if you were the last rooster on the farm!”
    10/6/20 12:18am
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The End