
24 January 2021

  • The girl looked up at the creature. It was an alien!
    1/23/21 12:08am
  • “Who are you?” Gabby asked, looking up the muscular, furry creature. It breathed loudly but did not answer. “What have you done with my friends?” Gabby continued, as she resisted the crude, prickly restraints on her wrists.
    1/23/21 12:13am
  • "Hehehe, don't worry sweetie. Your friends have joined us. See?" Gabby watched in horror as her friends suddenly grew tufts of fur here and there and swelled up to resemble the creature that had brought them there. "Don't be afraid. You won't feel anything and it'll be over soon"
    1/23/21 4:15am
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  • “We are all furbies now!” they chanted in perfect unison. “Join us!” Thinking quickly, Gabby said “won’t you need me to keep you supplied with batteries? You’re going through them quickly.”
    1/23/21 5:00am
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  • The Furbies regarded each other with confusion, then panic. “Oh, no, she’s right!” one cried. “We can’t turn Gabby. Who will replace our batteries?” Another Furby frowned, then smirked. “We can adapt first,” it announced. It stared at Gabby. “Fit us with a solar recharger. Now.”
    1/23/21 10:00pm
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  • Once installed the Furbies realized how slow the panels were to charge, forcing them to remain outdoors for hours, vulnerable to vicious predators—predators like Gabby, who was onto their plan, and got sweet revenge when, during a charging, she sold them and retired to Florida.
    1/24/21 2:37am
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The End